Desert Empire Mortgage
Scott Simmons
(760) 831-0044

Palm Springs Area



Every Other Square Mile
Desert Empire Mortgage
Scott Simmons

Lending on Lease Land for over 40 years
Amazing Links !
Lease Land  -  Why use a local Palm Springs area Lender 
for ALL your Lease Land transactions ?

Every other square mile in Palm Springs is lease land.  Some of the most beautiful, well located, and well priced properties are on lease land.

Your local, out of area bank or finance company and escrow company does not understand lease land,  Period.  They do not lend on lease land every day and become lost in the process.

A local lender and escrow officer who specializes in lease land can more easily and quickly speed your transaction.  A competent Palm Springs area lender lends on lease land consistently, and lease land transactions are part of their every day lending.  

Your out of area bank or lender will vocally and aggressively express their willingness and ability to do your lease land transaction.  They will even provide you with a qualification letter.  However, 30 days or so into the transaction, they will most probably decline/deny/suspend your loan application, stating that their legal department is reviewing the lease and/or needs additional information, or that they don't do lease land at all !  This happens over and over again.

Out of area lenders do not understand the concept of lease land.  They most often will require that their attorney's and legal department approve the lease.  Out of area attorneys do not have the knowledge or the inclination to approve lease land.  They are inclined to deny the lease rather than educate themselves on the requirements necessary to approve a valid lease.  They also scare the buyer by their lack of knowledge, experience and unfamiliarity with lease land.

Out of area lenders incorrectly view lending on lease land as a complicated and difficult process.  Because they don't understand or take the time to become educated and informed about lease land, they ultimately justify their inability to lend on lease land by giving buyers negative feed back.

Only competent, local Palm Springs area lenders and escrow officers who know and specialize in lease land and who are experienced and familiar with lease land can perform efficiently.  They know and understand the process.  They are experienced with lease land transactions.  They understand the use of the consent, assignment and acceptance required on lease land. They are familiar with the BIA, (Bureau of Indian Affairs), and what is required by them to close your transaction.

Use a local, competent lender and escrow officer for all your Palm Springs area lease land transactions !